God’s loving arms

Posted August 10, 2010 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

Thank God it’s a new week. Last week was painfully hectic. The boys were  down with cough and colds. I even had to bring Ichiro at TMC. Good thing he didn’t need to be hospitalized. In times like this I can feel God’s loving arms more. He provided everything. I have generous sisters who are ever supportive. My kids are very lucky to have them. They need not ask for more. I’m happy that they are happy kids. They don’t ask for anything that is not in their life. I think that’s what you called contentment. I thank God and pray that He continue to guide me in bringing up my kids in the right way.

over a black forest coffee

Posted August 1, 2010 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

So I had an impromptu date with Ichiro yesterday. He was supposed to have a medical check up but we arrived after the cut off.  So off we went to National bookstore to buy some stuffs for Jiro. While I was browsing through the books on sale, Ichiro showed me 2 books about planets so I said okay. Then he showed me again another book this time about learning how to play chess and with that sweet smile convinced me to include it in our shopping basket. Oh well,  he’s been asking me to teach him how to play chess but I’m not sure if I can still play that well. I’m not even sure if I still remember the moves of each chess pieces. I’ve been procrastinating on this task since last year and I know I’m a bad mom for being such. Good thing he knows how to read already so I’m off the hook I guess 🙂 Besides, he was able to get 3 new books so I guess we’re quits. Hehehe…
I promised to let him taste my fave Black Forest beverage in Pizza Hut so we went there after NBS.  My kiddo loves fine dining.  After he sat down he asked for the menu to pick his choice of meal.  I asked him if I could leave him there for awhile so I can get to an ATM machine because they don’t accept debit cards. He said it’s okay and put out his new books to browse. I asked the guard to keep an eye on him. I actually have hesitations but I assured myself that he’s big already and that I can trust him to act properly and stay in his place. Besides, the ATM machine is not that far. When I came back, our food is already being served. I felt proud of Ichiro. 🙂
And this is just one of our bonding moments where I ask him how he is and if he has any concerns about me or school or anything. I also take advantage of this moment to explain some arguments we have for the past week. This is where I point every misbehaviors or disliked attitude he did for the past week and why Mama has to give such punishments. Of course I did that already on the same day when he committed it. But knowing Ichiro’s attitude, he won’t listen or give up that easily unless he really have to. So I have to remind him every now and then. It’s always best on moments like these where we are both in a cool mood. We always have a great time after and he’s closer to me afterwards.
And speaking of attitude… Ichiro sometimes let his pride get in the way of our relationship. Too young to show that kind of attitude but that’s already one of his odd trait since he’s a baby. When he doesn’t get what he wants he never does wild tantrums but instead he won’t speak or come near me. Even if I repeatedly explain my side in a calmly manner it will take him time to open up. I get impatient too. So to blow off some steam, I take a break off away from him. After some time he’ll come to me not to say sorry but his opinion on what happend. Oh yes, he will still try to make a point but this time I give him choices. He either follows me or go find another mother who will follow him and not care for him like I do. So there goes another distance and eventually he’ll say sorry after realizing probably that he cannot choose another Mama and he’ll just have to live  that I’m his mom and he has to follow :P.
I always remind them of Mama’s Rule# 3. They know this by heart since age 2 along with Rules number 1 & 2. I ask when I remind them: “What’s Mama’s good boy rule # 3?” And they goes like:  “When Mama says NO, it’s a NO!”
Most of the time it works. But if not,  I would just have to extend my patience a bit MORE.

growing, growing and growing…

Posted July 26, 2010 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

I am already feeling the need to stretch my budget. Ichiro, albeit drinks less milk compared before have now resorted to snacks. He can finish 3 empanadas in one sitting and would still look for biscuits and juice after. I checked his lunch box if he finished his lunch and to my surprise, the container is very clean. No leftovers. And I’m even strict to having heavy breakfast before going to school. Boys. this is what my sister have been warning me with. Goodluck with the budget 🙂 I’ve noticed too that we have increased consumption of rice. That only means we are now dealing with big boys. Hehehe. I love it. This is a sign that I really have to be serious about cooking because my critics are now growing.
Jiro on the other hand, refuses to switch milk. I have tried all kinds of amusing explanations to no avail. He even tried suggesting a brand but we ended up going back to his Enfa. Oh well, as long as he is eating rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner I’m already good. Besides, he’s down to just 2-3 big cans per month from the usual 4-5.
Once, my creativity had been tested by my kids. Ichiro likes egg and Jiro wanted hotdog. So to make them both happy, I promised to make a magic egg and magic hotdog. I tag my recipes with magic so it would sound interesting. You know, kids are very curious when it sounds magical and different.:) So what did I do? I made a hotdog omelet. They both got what they want and they liked it. Clever right?
Now Jiro, everytime he sees me would ask magic on everything. He goes like: “Mama, i want my magic milk please.” ; “Mama, I like magic egg please,”; “Mama, magic bread please.” That makes me a now a Mama Magician. 🙂

back from Hiatus

Posted July 26, 2010 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

I almost forgot about this blog. That’s because I’ve been absorbed with Facebook mania. I then realized  that FB, though loaded with fancy features and all, still lack something that I get when I blog.

First, I’m a very quiet person. The only moment you’ll hear/read my thoughts is when I’m blogging. So I need a bigger space to write on. Now FB has Notes tab and can be use as a blog space. But what fancies me about blogging is the way I can creatively choose my font and font colors and sizes. That’s what FB Note tabs lack. I’m a big fan of colors you know.

Second, FB status is seen even by friends of your friends depending of course on your Privacy settings. Now with blogging, you can also set your privacy or just  use a cyber name to prevent stalkers from following your blog. Well FB is a social network and that means you have to be tolerant of people who post somewhat ridiculously updates or status on their walls. With blogging, you own the whole site and you need not check status of fellow bloggers. With FB, it’s tempting not to.

Third, I love blogging. I remember this used to be a therapy of some sort. Now my main focus is just to share. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, who knows? You may pick up a tip or an idea may have been revived or formed by just reading my blogs.

Fourth. When my kids are old enough, I’d like them to read from here what they were like when they were still little and hopefully impart the teachings to their children. And of course, reminisce how it was like to be loved by Mama. 🙂

Fifth. I own this. It’s my journey. I may grow old and not remember anything. But this blog could take me back to good and old memories. It might just be my own “The Notebook” 🙂 ha ha ha

You made Mama proud, Baby!

Posted March 26, 2009 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

Ichiro is going to be awarded 1st Honor of their batch this coming friday. On top of that, he will also receive the Most Independent and the Best in Science award. This is just one of the few reasons why I love being a mom. Despite all the hard work and heart aches, my kids save the day by just being my kids. Ichiro, as always in his own little ways remind me how blessed I am. I thank God for these wonderful children. They are my source of joy and strength. My only frustration is that budget constraints deny me of funding for his KUMON. Ichiro loves Kumon and would love to continue the trial class he attended last time. He loves school. He likes books and learning activities. Right now he is into reading. I couldn’t get any credit for his reading skills. He helped himself well by reading everything he sees anywhere. I just provided him all kinds of reading materials that my budget could allow. I was advised by his teacher to let him take the examination for Grade 1. I had to think it over coz he just turned 5 years old. He may qualify but for me he’s just a baby. He will be 2 years ahead if I let him. Besides, he is a little shy. I think he need to build more confidence first. I wanted him to be a well rounded person. So this summer I allowed him to join the baseball team. He will also take some taekwondo class with my cousin. I hope he enjoys his summer. To my Ichiro… I love you, my Baby.

Ichiro’s classic funny moments

Posted January 5, 2009 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

I’ve been wanting to write these stuffs, srsly. I just wanted to post some pics along with it. Unfortunately, my camera has not been that available most of the time so I’ll post this anyway. The pics will just have to follow some other time.
Naughty Hammerhead Hits Goldfish.
Tita B bought her aquarium at home for the kids to enjoy looking at everyday. It has 3 angelfish, 3 goldfish, 1 janitor fish, 1 Giant goldfish and a Hammerhead. The story was just relayed to me and I was like, “what?”
Here it goes…
Tita B: Oh no! What happened? Why did the giant goldfish die?
Ichiro: <nonchalantly> It’s because of the hammerhead Tita B.
(…paused with my brows meeting… then burst out laughing!)
Santa’s Costume
So Ichiro and I were walking together one December morning when he asked me this question:
Ichiro:  “Mama, what’s Santa Claus’ costume during Holloween?”
Me: “Oh well, I have to write to Santa to know that. I’ll tell you when he replies, ok?”
Let’s count
I found an activity in one of Ichiro’s Math book and immediately showed the picture to him. The picture has 2 girls near a bench. One is doing jumping rope and the other one is just standing with her hands at her back. There is also a boy playing with a toy on one side. There are birds and other things to be counted. I asked several how many questions and i got corrected on one of them.
The question was:
Me: How many kids are playing?
Ichiro: 3 kids. Oh no, Mama it’s only 2.
Me: Are you sure?
Ichiro: Yup! Look Mama, only 1 boy and 1 girl are playing. The other girl is not. She’s just standing and looking at the other girl who’s playing.
Oh well. I hope to post the pic so you could see there’s truth to his logic. In reality, it’s just so funny being corrected by kids.

i don’t wanna miss a thing

Posted November 18, 2008 by s0ftm0on
Categories: moments

Who could blame me if i only have 3-4 hours a day of sleep before going to work? I work very late at night. My shift drags me up to 8:30 in the morning. When I’m home Ichiro is at school while I take the opportunity to play with Jiro. I’m supposed to be resting already after lunch but I still want to spend a little more time with the kids. Then I rest. After like a few hours of sleep I can’t help but wake up and join the party atmosphere of the kids downstairs. They were playing with their ate’s and the laughter inside the house while they dance and play is so inviting. I don’t want to miss these moments now that i’m still here. My plans of working abroad is going to make me miss all of these. I still have a few hours before going to work and enough time to sleep yet I’m spending it reading bedtime stories with them. Sigh… if only I need not to work abroad.

why, oh why?

Posted November 3, 2008 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Ichiro


I call him motor mouth. That’s my Ichiro. He never rans out of something to say, ask and comment to. He replies right after he hears a question. He comments after a reaction. He gives suggestions as when he feels its necessary. His ears pick up easily and he always has something to say. Most  of his suggestions are really okay and very helpful you’d feel his concern. But when the conversation turns into a question and answer portion, that’s when I’m running out of things to say. Sometimes I find myself laughing at myself for trying to come up with the cleverest of all answers. Here, my creative juices are always put to test.

I: Mama, I hope we have snow here.

M: No baby, it’s only in the Antartic and North Pole where it usually snows. In some countries there are also snow but only for those who are on the upper part of the earth. Our country is in the mid part that’s why we don’t have snow.

I: So Mama, when the cloud is heavy there will be snow?

M: (–not sure!) Baby, when the raincloud is already heavy the rain will fall.

I: Why can’t it be a snow?

M: Because we are not on top of the earth. You see just like in the refrigerator the ice is in the upper portion. Since we are just in the middle it’s just rain not snow. (–this i have to chuckle at myself! )

I: Hmmm…

Tita Xa: You know baby it snows at those countries because the sun can’t reach them as much as he can in the tropics. When the rain falls it is water because the sun already melted them. (hmmm…i forgot that.)

Sigh… i think i need to read more about the stuff  kids love to ask. I remember back in my grade school days I love Science and i’m amazed at all the wonderful things about nature. Ichiro is more on the planets and animals.

Tsk, i remember he’s been reminding me to help him on his plant. He wanted to plant a new mongo seed so he can take care of it. I told him I need to find a good soil first. I’ll be including that on my to do list this week.

trick or treat part 2

Posted October 31, 2008 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Uncategorized

This day was a hectic one. First, I had my final interview for a job abroad and in the afternoon i’ll be bringing my kids to my office for some trick or treat events. Then I still have work after that. That means no sleeping today.

Ichiro’s costume was made by Tita Xa and ate Isking. He’s a wicked tree this time. Jiro was dressed as the little scarecrow but we did not put too much accessories since he’s irritated easily. This is Jiro’s first trick or treat and I think he liked his basket being filled with candies. Ichiro is now used to wearing costumes. He thinks it’s really cool he even poses for the camera. I thought we’re gonna skip this year’s event because both of the kids are not feeling well lately but you know the effect of sugar on kids :).

We came late and Ichiro’s costume was not seen immediately by the selecting team. I think they have selected their winner already. Some who have seen his costume particularly liked his rooty hands. The official photographer was actually following him. This year they did not go around the building because of too many kids. And the program was cut short. They still collected candies and loot bags though.  We then went to our own account’s trick or treat right after. There are just a few kids and surprisingly a clown was there who did some magic and games.  I have just one comment on the clown’s entertainment value. I think there’s no point of calling and comparing 2 kids to do the game again if there is only 1 prize. I mean,  there are many kids who joined so if there is only 1 prize just give it to the 1st winner.  Then, he was asked to give a prize to the 2nd placer on another game but he refused because he said he still need it to the other games.  I thank the organizer for coming up with this activity and i think the kids enjoyed it esp the goodies and the magic. I just hope they choose clowns who knows the right approach to kids not just doing what they are paid for.

I first tought of staying in the office to sleep a little before my shift but I missed my kids and i don’t know why. I went home with them and made sure everyone’s okay before i left. I’m actually tired to go to office but i’m looking forward to a health bonus for this month so with all my might i went to work and hoping the next day to get some sleep before we go to my mom’s heaven. Yeah. heaven. That’s Ichiro’s term for his Lola’s house.

Happy Holloween.

Quick Trick or Treat

Posted October 29, 2008 by s0ftm0on
Categories: Ichiro

If there’s one thing I really don’t like about Ichiro’s school that is their lack of proper communication with the parents. They have all the means- a calendar diary, circular folder, contact numbers. Most of the time I find it complete but there are times that you would really be surprised on change of plans. 

We were actually looking forward to dress Ichiro with a scarecrow costume he used last year. It was the one that won him as bast costume in my office. Little did we know it was re-scheduled earlier. My sister and I were in DFA to get our passports when my cousin texted me that Ichiro needed a costume. I was calling them on what to do. I even tried to call his teacher but she’s not taking the call. They said it was announced during the tour. I guess I missed that announcement. But what the heck! They have issued a circular regarding the schedules but did not bother to revise it? Sigh. Good thing we have already tried out some costumes and my cousins came up with their version. Ichiro doesn’t like to have scary make up so they opted for the scarecrow instead. Good thing the materials are readily available at home. I felt like my cousins were proud of what they have accomplished. I’m proud of them too, though i felt bad about not being prepared.

When we got home, Ichiro has a nice surprise. He was given a recognition for “Best in Book Making Contest” I wonder where that book is. I think it was one of their Foundation Day activity. My kiddo is quite competitive lately. I think he’s enjoying being the leader always in every activity.

Anyway, he said he enjoyed trick or treating. He even gave us some of his goodies. He said he’s not gonna eat the candies coz he wants to take care of his teeth. I”m proud of him, really.